luni, 8 aprilie 2013

Capitala imperiala a valsului- Viena

Palatul Schonbrunn ... macheta

Schloss Schonbrunn- UNESCO World Heritage site

Palatul Schonbrunn

" Katterburg "

Resedinta de vara a casei de Habsburg

Palatul in stil Rococo cu 1441 de camere

Obeliskbrunnen (Fantana Obeliscul- detaliu)

Ringstrasse- Unesco World Heritage site

 Wiener Rathaus (Primaria)

Ringstrasse-  Votivkirche (biserica Votiva)

Votivkirche (biserica Votiva- detaliu)

Votivkirche Hochaltar 

Wiener Rathaus (detaliu)

Ringstrasse- Burgtheater (Teatrul National Austriac)

Ringstrasse- Parlamentsgebaude (cladirea Parlamentului Austriac)

Pallas- Athene brunnen (fantana Pallas Athena)

Maria- Theresien Platz: Maria Theresien Denkmal (monumentul Maria Theresia)

Prinz Eugen Reiterdenkmal (Statia ecvestra a printului Eugen de Savoya)

Heldenplatz: Statuia printului Eugen de Savoya, Palatul Imperial Hofburg

In der BurgCurtile Hofburg-lui: Reichskanzleitrakt


Hofburg: (In der Burg) Denkmal Kaiser Franz I. (monumentul imparatului Franz I. )

Hofburg (In der Burg): Reichskanzleitrakt

Michaellerplatz: Michaelertrakt- fatada de nord al Palatului Imperial Hofburg

Graben: Josefsbrunnen (fantana Josef)

Graben:  Wiener Pestsaule (Coloana Ciumei)


Stephansdom (catedrala Sf. Stefan- detaliu)

Graben: Josefsbrunnen (fantana Josef)

Maria Theresien platz: Kunsthistorischen Museums (Muzeul de Istorie a Artei) 

Metastasiogasse, Minoritenkirche (Biserica Minoritilor)

Wiener Rathaus (Primaria- detaliu)

vineri, 5 aprilie 2013

Castelul Regal Wawel: Cracovia

turnul Senatorilor

turnul Sandomierska

Catedrala Wawel

(Bazilica Arhicatedrala Regala a Sf. Stanislaus si Sf. Wenceslaus)

Tadeusz Kosciuszko


joi, 4 aprilie 2013

The Death Camps: Birkenau

The rail tracks that lead straight into Birkenau

The death gate

Guard tower


Fence of the camp

The remains of the men's camp

Part of the men's camp

Carriage for prisoners

" This freight car has been placed here to commemorate the Jews deported from Hungary who were murfdered by German Nazist in the Auschwitz- Birkenau death camp.
More than 400.000 Jewish man, women and children were deported from Hungary in similar freight cars, in moor than 100 transports during the spring and summer of 1944.
On arrival, most of them were murdered in the gas chambers here "

The brick building were used for prisoner showers and delousing of clothing and bedding

" Prusian blue " brick (side wing)

Barracks for women

Interior of a sleeping barrack

Are you sleeping in here whit another 699 people ?

Crematories chimneys

Birkenau barbed wire and guard tower

Latrine blocks at the women's camp 

Toilets at Birkenau were "holes in rock"

" Reconstitution "
